Game Night

We have a monthly Game Night for all Holy Trinity Lutheran Church members and their guests on the first Saturday of each month, from 6 to 8 P.M. in the downstairs Fellowship Hall. 

You too can play the space fantasy Star Wars game “Escape from the Death Star”. Be the first to help Han, Chewie, Luke and Leia escape the garbage dump, disable the tractor beam, retrieve the blueprints, spin to fight against tie fighters, and reach the rebel base.

Party like it’s 1977 or play any one of our numerous games: 

  • Jenga, 
  • Life, 
  • Uno, 
  • Monopoly, 
  • Connect-4, 
  • Rummy, 
  • Sorry, and 
  • many more.  

Or bring your favorite game to share. We will have games for all ages. Some snack food will be provided. You may bring food to share. 

Email Stan Harlow, if you plan to attend and tell us the number of people you will bring with you so that we can order enough pizza.
